EDM Section

Using Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM) we can produce whatever high quality complex parts and precision components you require.

Conventional Sink EDM Machine

  • X, Y, Z, 300 x 200 x 400 with fuzzy Logic System
  • Surface Finish 0.2um Ra

CNC Sink Eroding

  • Y Z travel 500mm x 400mm x 350mm
  • Surface finish 0.2um Ra

CNC Wire Eroding

  • Max work-piece dimensions:- 650 x 450 x 180 mm
  • Table travel:- 320 x 220 mm
  • Max taper angle:- 30 deg over 80 mm
  • Surface roughness down to 1.5 um Ry
  • Our new FANUC ROBOCUT enables us to wire erode complex forms with high speed & high precision, achieving the finest surface finishes.

Auto wire feeding enables us to run the m/c 24 hours a day,7 days a week allowing us to become very cost effective with short lead times.